Hey Fam! We wanted to formally invite you to our land in Toomsboro, GA with a special event that we thought would allow everyone to appropriately social distance while turning up. Thus, the BIG BLACK Campout was born in hopes of bringing #blackcampers and first time campers together for an EPIC experience on our newly acquire 96.71 acres of land. (Sorry, but we will never get tired of saying 96.71 acres of land ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ ) And, we hope that you will grab your family, your camping crew, that one adventurous homie and roadtrip or RV on down during Labor Day Weekend, because what else do you have better to do?

Yes, #blackpeopledocamp and first-timers that may have searched #campingwhileblack on Twitter’s top posts are probably concerned about being greeted by some level of systemic racism while enjoying the great outdoors.

One of many, stories of campers and hikers alike being harrassed while being #blackinnature
Be sure to follow the comment thread for the rest of the story…spoiler, it has the KKK in it.

This is what #DiversifyOutdoors is aiming to help break down. This is why an event on private-black owned land like the BIG BLACK Campout is important. It provides an opportunity for seasoned outdoorsy Black folx to share space (from 6 ft away and with masks on off course) with the newbies that could use some support and encouragement to get comfortable outdoors.

When you consider the fact that most outdoors retailers have few if any BIPOC on their advertisements, social media, and websites, you would think Black people don’t belong in nature. But we do! It’s essential for our health, and in the age of a pandemic it has immunity boosting principles along with mental health benefits too. Don’t believe me just do a quick google search on benefits of outdoors, we’ll wait…

Now that you see the amazing benefits of being outdoors we want to invite you to our Labor Day Weekend event the BIG BLACK Campout! We want to reap the benefits of nature while normalizing the fact that “We Be Camping!” Even if you’ve never been camping, we promise you are in for a great time! (Unless you’re a Negative Nancy, we can’t make no promises for you sis.)

Get your tickets by scrolling to the very bottom of the landing page at www.thebigblackcampout.com and choosing the PayPal option for your family size in the drop-down box. You can also choose the “VIP Party Tent for 10” option which includes admission for 10 for the weekend along with a bunch of other dope amenities.

As we continue planning for the event stay tuned for announcements of DJs, Vendors, Sponsors and more on our IG page over at www.instagram.com/BIGBLACKCampout

See you all soon!