I’m Ashley, the Marketing Maven here at The Freedom Georgia Initiative. I just dropped in to say a big “HELLO!” We are getting all the bells and whistles aligned so that we can share with the world who we are as a collective of family and friends who came together to do something new in our lives. We out to do something new for our families (create generational wealth)  and hopefully something new for our larger Black community.

When the “Toomsboro, GA For Sale” site went viral we thought it would be cool to create a New Black Wallstreet and revitalize a small town that could use some development and jobs. Upon arriving at the open house for the parcels of land, residential units, and commercial properties that were for sale at $1.7M we learned the City of Toomsboro was not completely for sale. We also learned that it had a small-town culture, a black woman mayor (shout out to Mayor Joyce Denson), and a Black Chief of Police that is ready for good things to come to their community rather than the 20-minute commute they have to take to other cities.

Also, serving as a REALTOR, I was able to take my dear friends Renee Walters & Aqeela Reyad to see some other land for sale that day in Toomsboro, GA and what we found was 96.71 acres of vast resource-rich land with beautiful views that we instantly made a plan to acquire. During our 2.5 hour drive back to Metro Atlanta from Toomsboro, Renee and myself spoke of the many possibilities of what we could do with the land. Creating vacation homes, retirement homes, a fish stocked lake, a special needs accessible waterpark, tiny homes, senior living for our elder family members, the possibilities were truely endless!

So here we are sharing our story with the world about how a girl from Philly and a girl from Chicago rallied their family and friends to take a step toward creating generational wealth and inspiring black families all over world to pracitice cooperative economics! We hope we do inspire you. We hope you join us on our journey. We look forward to this new begining!

With Kingdom Mindedness,

Ashley Scott
