So peep game…research suggests it’s important to make time to get outdoors since doing so is beneficial β€” may be essential β€” for human health. Humans need to spend time in nature if they want to improve their physical and mental health. Take advantage of hiking trails near your home, camping, swimming in the ocean, or just spending time at the local park.

Here are just a few benefits:

  1. Lower stress and a reduction in the cortisone hormone by spending time in nature.
  2. Decrease inflammation that can benefit joint issues.
  3. Enjoy feelings of awe brought on by nature for a “mental boost” decreasing mental fatigue
  4. A decrease in depression and anxiety levels, even more so when water is around or if diagnosed as mentally ill there are even more profound mood-boosting effects.
  5. Lower your chances of near-sightedness in your children if they playout side every day.

These are just a few of the many benefits of being in nature, but see for yourself by hanging out with us during Labor Day Weekend on our beautiful 96.71 acres of land. Did we mention that you could see the stars in Ultra-HD on our land? With zero light pollution you’ll be able to get those moments of awe for sure!

Get your tickets at today!